The Lion Mountain, The Ship and The Wardrobe
It was the thing I wanted the most. The passion in my heart to go to a distant land was greater than anything I had ever experienced. I had this world in my head where I could bring peace, hope and deliverance to those in need. This was just in my imagination. One day I found a door, it opened slowly but effortless, and as I walked through it, I discovered that, that world I had only dreamt about, was becoming real, and I decided to give my life to it, for it’s people, for it’s freedom.
An author of a book some of my friends and I are reading, said that in The Chronicles of Narnia, the end of the story for us is the moment when the kids get back and appear in the room with the Wardrobe again. We have seen them fight and grow and become Kings and Queens, and we have followed their adventures, so for us it is over once they get back to the real world. But for them, it is just the beginning. It doesn’t matter what they did in this other world or who they were, today lying in front of that wardrobe, they are still the same kids that will get in trouble for breaking the window.
I feel sometimes like I live in Narnia. This fantastic world different from my own, where I go out everyday and try to help people in need, where my life is used for something great, where there is always an adventure. But every now and then I am faced with the fact that HOME is just a door away. Sometimes I’m afraid that when I leave this place no one will believe or understand what I’ve been through, but more so, I’m afraid I will forget. Sometimes I feel like I live in a dream. Really? I’m in Africa? I drive every day through seas of people, literally, I get on bikes to get to places, I live on a ship? A SHIP? A ship that sometimes feel like a whole “nother” world in itself, different from Honduras, different from Africa, from everything that I know. Sometimes it’s overwhelming.
I don’t want to go home wishing I was still somewhere else. I want to take what this fantastic place has shown me and let it transform my heart. That when I walk down that ship’s gangway and head to my land, I can still remember who I was in that other world, why I was there and what I’m supposed to do in the “real world”. I will prove to the world that behind my “Wardrobe” there was a Lion Mountain (Sierra Leone) where a ship docked to bring hope to the people of that place, but what really happened is that during that time, it was me that found freedom. Even if I can’t find the way back ever again, “my Narnia” will always be in my heart.
On the road of beautiful Salone |
La Sierra Leona, El Barco y el Ropero
Era lo que más deseaba. La pasión de mi corazón por ir a una tierra leja era más grande que ninguna otra cosa que haya experimentado. Tenia un mundo en mi cabeza donde traia paz, Esperanza y liberación a aquellos en necesidad. Estaba solo en mi imaginación. Un día encontré una puerta, se abrió lentamente pero con poco esfuerzo, y al caminar a través de ella, descubrí que ese mundo que staba solo en mis sueños se estaba conviertiendo en realidad, y decidí entregarle mi vida, por su gente, por su libertad.
El autor de un libro que algunos de mis amigos y yo estamos leyendo, mencionó que el Las Crónicas de Narnia, el final de la historia para nosotros es el momento cuando los niños aparecen en el cuarto del Ropero otra vez. Los hemos visto luchar, crecer y convertirse en reyes y reinas, así que para nosotros una vez que regresan al mundo real, se acabó. Pero para ellos, es solamente el inicio. No importa lo que hicieron o quienes eran en este otro mundo, hoy tirados frente a ese ropero, son los mismos niños que estan en problemas por haber quebrado la ventana.

Te extrañamos Dulce Maria!! Keep doing God´s will
ReplyDelete....y va a regresar a casa con la satisfacción más grande de haber hecho realidad un sueño, un sueño de amor hacia el prójimo, amor que se te devuelve, te envuelve, te transforma y te libera..,y entonces....bienvenida al hogar... te amamos...
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome! Thank you sooooo much for sharing your heart and your experiences. God has blessed you with the gift of writing also. Joe and Glenn are going to Guatemala next month. Thank you again and thank God for you! Joe and Sharon Smith
ReplyDeleteCada vez me asombras mas!! Que ''previlegio'' que seas parte de mi vida. Oime, ni la ''chona'' me inspira tanto. Te amo mima.
ReplyDeleteBendiciones Dulce Maria, soy una compañera de tu mamy Suyapa, que bonita experiencia haciendo el tranabajo que el Señor Jesus nos encomendo, recobiras grandes bendiciones del altisimo y el te seguira consediendo los deseoa de tu corazon. Con amor maria de jesus
ReplyDeleteOh, my, goodness. You just spoke the words that I feel. Dulce, I am so honored to know you. What an encourager you are! Not just for the hurting or hopeless, but for me. I, too, don't want to forget.... I love you, my sister and just 'dream' of serving with you one day in Narnia!