Nobody said anything about the cost though. I've always said that when you tell God "Here I am, do what you want in me", He takes it seriously, He ain't playing, so you better prepare yourself cuz He is gonna do wnat He wants to do, and the thing is, that we are completely clueless as of HOW He is going to do it, and that when things get tough.
The Bible says "You cannot become my disciple without giving up EVERYTHING you own". Easier said than done huh? NO! It is not even easy to say it! Jesus gave up all of his rights as the SON of GOD just out of obedience to the Father and His love for us. Sacrificing everything to serve Him, or at least be willing to loose it all, even my own life, is the least I can do for Him.
I cannot even begin telling you all the things I've had to sacrifice to obey His call, and I cannot even imagine the things I will have to give up once I set my foot on Africa. He has humbled me as He has taken away everything, and He has given me more of Himself, so if you ask me, I haven't lost anything at all, in loosing my life I have gained it. But I am willing to give up all my rights, if in return I can share God's love with the unloved.